N E W “growing together” collection 🖤🌿 first up: maker rounds.
this collection is vast. it is taking more time than i originally planned for + trust me when i say this first drop of stock signs is just the beginning.
this branch of the sign collection started here, with this maker, with these maker rounds. they are exclusive - a design you will only find here with us, at SAS, as with all of the growing together collection designs we drew up, turned into digital art, made into vinyl stencils + boom, transformed into hand painted beauts. these are solid birch rounds with some heart + paint mixed in. each perfectly unique, meant to make your heart all sappy when you look at them + remember why you started, makers. they also make a great gift for the makers you love most.
makers — this one is for you. designed specifically to remind you of the beauty you create with your own hands, from your own heart. the magic that blooms from pure creativity. i am proud of these + i am proud of those of us who create, push ourselves, support our dreams + make them really really freaking real.
they’re live on the site now with some event exclusives + multiple of our unique custom order listings, because.. CUSTOM SIGN ORDERING IS OPEN. so run. because there are only 50 (okay 46, we had some early little sneaks!) spots open this round + valentine’s day is approaching!
thank you all — we appreciate you more than you know 🖤🤙🏼🌿